The executive duties of the president are as follows:
1. To preside over meetings of their charter,national president nova may attend any and all meetings.
2. To judge items not covered in the constitution or in the rules regulations.
3. Directorship gives the president authority to judge items not in the constitution.
4. To act as the personal representative of the club in the area of public relations and talk to other MCS during sit downs and during rides Vice President has this same responsibility.
5. To represent the club in any club business contacts and to supervise major economic transactions.
6. To promote club life among members in general.
The executive duties of the vice president are to assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the president is unable to do so.
The executive duties of the secretary are as follows:
1. To record and safeguard the Topics of club meetings.
2. To maintain the Club Constitution, recording any additions, deletions, or modifications.
3. To handle any club correspondence.
The executive duties of the treasurer are as follows:
1. To monitor and record the club's income and expenditures.
2. To collect the patch pics and videos for clubs websites.
3. The monitoring of conflicts within the club.
The executive duties of the road captain are as follows:
1. To plan the travel routes and organize the basic itinerary of the club prior to going on a 'run' (tour).
2. To lead the club in formation while riding on tour.
3. To enforce club rules and procedures for group riding.
4. supervisor for all club vehicles make sure everyone bike is repaired and stop rides if a crash occurs.
The executive duties of the sergeant at arms are as follows:
1. To maintain order at club meetings in particular, and club activities in general.
2. To ensure that members adhere to club rulings, policies, and expected models of conduct when dealing with other members or outsiders.
3. To defend club members, property, or territory from outside threats.
4. The application of disciplinary procedures.
5. The evaluation of prospects and their progress.
6. The presentation of summarized assessments of the overall club situation to the membership (court).
Church/Chapel will contain all patched members who can vote.
1. One organized meeting per week.
2. Majority rules.
3. If a vote is taken at a meeting and a member is not there, his vote goes to the majority unless his vote can be made by phone.
4. Meetings will be closed except for prospective members and anyone there on business.
5. All meetings will be run on a parliamentary basis. Members will be evicted for unruly conduct.
6. Quorum for a meeting is sixty percent of membership and eighty percent for membership votes.
7. Everyone will attend the meeting on his bike If the club calls a ride/meeting, all members will attend. If a member is working, sick he will be excused.
8. Members must have colors with him when attending meetings.
9. Members must be of sound mine (straight) when attending meetings.
10. If a member attends a meeting and is fouled-up, he will be Kicked.
11. There will be absolutely no fighting and arguing at meetings if you continue after a warning is given you will be kicked.
12. During a meeting there will be no talking among members until they get the floor through the president. A sergeant-at-arms, if not present, will be appointed and anyone not abiding by the above will be shot or evicted.
13. Miss three (3) meetings in a row and you're out of the club.
14. If a member is thrown out of the club or quits without attending meetings, he loses his colors, motorcycle, and anything else that says Pharaohs on it and will be kos.